If you have plans to conserve more money each month by cutting back on water and energy consumption, you need to have plenty imagination and to be more tidy. There are a few tips that can help you accomplish this goal. You can considerably conserve on your energy and water usage if you follow some golden rules.
For the beginning, let’s see how to reduce our water consumption by following a few tips that are used by plumbers in their homes:
1. Change your toilet with a low flow toilet. If you can’t do that or you simply can’t afford such change, simply insert a plastic bottle filled with water and pebbles (to stay on the bottom of your water tank) in the tank to reach the water level requirement with much less water. When you flush, a smaller sized amount of water will flow, but that will be quite sufficient, and your water consumption for your toilet will decrease.
2. Use the dishwasher and washing machine just when you have a full load to clean. This is a very important tip to both save water and time, and to make you a tidy person.
3. A very efficient way to conserve warm water especially during winter season is to wrap the pipes with insulating material or foam. This will keep your pipes much warmer and cold water that comes before warm water will be less cold. Also, your heating system will work less to reach the temperature level required for the water.
Now it’s time for more tips about saving energy in our homes:
1. We all know that compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) are a good way to save some energy, but now we have a new technology at our disposal, and these are LED bulbs. Today, is very wise to invest a few dollars in this new “LED” technology, and along with it use a few motion sensors to switch on the light only when somebody is in the area. This new investment will save you more energy on a long term.
2.If you have plans to use motion sensors in your house you can invest in a home automation control system. This will ultimately pay for itself, and conserve your household energy since there will be less electrical devices kept on when nobody’s around to make use of them.
If you follow these tips you will decrease your water consumption along with your energy usage, and you will use an eco-responsible technique to better handle your household expenses. Using all these tips will save you money on a long term, and will transform you in a much orderly person.